Roborock Cleaning Pattern

Roborock Cleaning Pattern

Hello There. Recently my roborock s5 Max always suddenly stop working and give notification about stuck whenever in max mop mode. And the pattern was not normal like the picture below

But when i didnt turn on the mop mode, the pattern back to normal like picture below

This is begin since last week. im not sure is it because firmware update or not.

Please give me suggestion how to fix it

Thank Anyway

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  • Hello,

    With the water tank installed only without the mopping mount and mopping cloth, does the robot work well?

    You can change the water level to low to have a try.

    You can change a new mopping cloth as well.

  • HI Could you fix your problem,??

    I hava the same problem with my S5.

    RR_SupportStaff Member12/16/2020      08:18

    Is your device S5 or S5 Max?

    Have you ever tried the suggestions mentioned above?

    When and where did you purchase it?

    Imut206/21/2021      06:37

    This is what I noticed. Green circle is with low water mopping, while purple is without mopping

  • Hi i have the same problem. It happened recently as well. I cleaned all the sensors, have always selected low water level. Please advise.

    Imut206/21/2021      06:18

    Also even though I selected low level of water, the floor seems wetter than usual. But no leakage.

    also this happened a few times where theres error 8, robot was stuck when clearly theres no obstacle and robot was on clear path

    RR_SupportStaff Member06/22/2021      11:20

    Hi, thanks for your reply.

    Would you please try the following?

    1) Please empty the water tank

    2) Pleas install the empty water tank, the mop bracket and the mop cloth. Please run the robot and check if the it can work well or not.

    Imut206/22/2021      11:39

    Hi thanks for the response. I will try your recommendations and update.

    Fyi, i also tried with a brand new mop cloth with not much luck. Attaching the screenshot (usual cleaning time is around 20+ mins and now it took 42 mins).

    I also tried this: i have another roborock s5 max for room upstairs, i switched the water tank with the other roborock s5 max, no luck as well.

    Thanks alot

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  • Same here

    RR_SupportStaff Member10/13/2021      15:43
    @ Val:


    We feel sorry for the inconvenience caused.

    1. Could you please lower the water level and test if the robot can work fine with the medium water level?

    2. Please empty the water tank and a dry mop cloth, and install them to the robot to see if the issue will still exist.

    3. Please observe if the robot can work fine without the water tank and bracket.

    Best regards.

  • Hello,

    I have this problem since 1 year. All other functions are very good. I am searching for solving this problem. But I didnt get any success. I think this is a firmware problem.

    I bought a new s5 max for my sister. We tried in same area. It hasnt a problem. Then we update her robot. After we try problem is started. New s5 max for less than a week but has same problem with me.

    Most of people has this problem. On reddit or other platform.

    RR_SupportStaff Member10/17/2021      10:18

    Hi, we feel sorry for the inconvenience caused.

    Do you mean before the update, the robot didn't have the issue?

    If that's the case, the robot may release too much water under the firmware. You can try and lower the water flow to see if there will be any improvement.

    Edimahler02/05/2022      15:49

    Hi everybody,

    Same here for already more than one year with a Roborock s5. IMHO this is a problem with đirty sensors. After cleaning my sensors, this behavious seems to disappear for one or two cleanings afterwards. It would also make sense, as when the robot is detecting a wall, because of dirt on a sensor, it will try to go around the "obstacle" then.

    P.S.: I really rarely use the mopping function.

    Are there some news from you guys out there? Thanks for any tipps!

    RR_SupportStaff Member02/06/2022      07:07

    Hi, thanks for reaching out. May I confirm with you if the device you used is an S5 or S5max?

    After cleaning the sensors, will the issue persist or not? If yes, would you please send us a screenshot to show the history cleanup map so that we can better assist?

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  • I had this problem and I solved it.

    There are two things you need to check.

    First are the side and front sensors, which cannot be obstructed by anything. A spider's web is already a headache.

    But in your case I believe you are using or have used in the past some cleaning product, or some product to give a good smell. No matter the amount, any amount you put in is going to be a problem. If you put a drop in it, that's the problem.

    If this is the case I recommend washing the tank well with water and the place where the cloth fits as well. You even have to tighten those two filters to let the water into that compartment as well. It is a long process because the water enters there very slowly. Once it's all cleaned up, you get it back up and running. It may be that there are still some bubbles left in there, and the robot packs a little, but with time it will resolve. I only put a small amount of alcohol in the tank, so it doesn't smell like standing water. But nothing that produces foam can be used. Even those perfumed oils, if you put a drop in there, it clogs. Hope it helps.

    RR_SupportStaff Member02/19/2022      08:38

    Hi, thanks so much for sharing your experience.

    I agree with you on what you said. In particular, adding alchohol constantly will not just cause the robot unable to move, in worst case scenario, it may corrde and deform the water tank. Please only use water into the water tank. If you want better cleaning performance, you can also use roborock cleaning solution which was launched just recently.


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