E4 problems with area rugs

E4 problems with area rugs

Just got a Roborock E4 and ran into a problem right away with the cliff sensors. The vacuum behaves erratically when attempting to go on one of our low pile rugs that has a lot of black patterns. When we pick it up and place it on the rug it just goes in circles.

Please, please, please consider adding an option in the Mi Home app to allow customers to disable the cliff sensing feature.

Make us agree that if the robot falls down the stairs that it's our fault while disabled or something. We're using it on the first floor so we don't care. No other brand does this, you guys could be the first and it could be a selling point! For now, though, I'll just make little white paper coverings and tape them over the sensors like everyone else does. I hope it works.

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  • Hello,

    Noted that, we will forward it to our RD team. You can use white tag to cover the cliff sensors as a workaround.

  • I second third and fourth this x1000000!! This is a feature that NEEDS to be implemented. I have area rugs with black in them as well and it FREAKS OUT on them. Starts going in circles and weird patterns! Need a feature to create anti cliff sensor areas just like the no go zones. You can pick up the area rugs on the very first sweep and then create no sensor zones after the initial mapping.

    Of course you may need this function AS WELL AS a universal” turn off” switch. Would be necessary if a person has actual real carpet with black in it where the machine wouldn’t make an initial map correctly because you can’t pick up actual carpet.

    Some real feedback here from someone who LOVES this product.

    RR_SupportStaff Member12/02/2020      07:18

    Gotcha. We will let the RD team know.

    Zack12/26/2022      05:16

    Is this ever going to get fixed? I have an s5 Max and s7 maxv. Both do it. Can we get some kinda option to disable?


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