Roborock E4 Purchased - Mi Home Application and Creating Account

Roborock E4 Purchased - Mi Home Application and Creating Account

Finally received this after a few issues with Amazon. I have it unpackaged and going through setup. It looks like I need the Mi Home app which I installed. Unfortunately, it forces me to create an account. I thought I would be able to just directly setup the device thru the application and just keep it local on my WiFi network.

I figured I would give it a try before deciding on sending back or not.

I'm trying to create an account and everytime, either through the application on my phone OR through my computer directly through the website, it is giving me the following error: 'Couldn't sign up(10001)'

So, I'm unable to attach the vacuum without an account and I'm unable to create an account. Is there some support I can contact? I tried the 'chat online' and it wants my username and password which I obviously can not setup due to the generic error above.

Also, does anyone know off hand if I do not have internet, just a local WiFi network setup for the phone/device, will it still work? Or does the robot need actual internet connectivity?

You can share this article on the community website!

  • Hi, sorry for the inconvenience caused.

    Could you please send us a picture to show the error message? Maybe you can also use another phone to give it a try.

    The robot can work fine without wifi. The Internet connection will bring some extra functions on app like scheduled cleaning, suction power strength switch. But without these features, you could still use buttons on device itself to start/end cleaning, direct device back to dock for charging and let device do spot cleaning.


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