Push alerts from Mi Home app on iOS severely delayed

Push alerts from Mi Home app on iOS severely delayed

Lately, I’m getting severely delayed push alerts from the Mi Home app on iOS. Often times, the alert comes through several hours after the cleaning job has completed. It essentially makes the alerts worthless. Any thoughts?

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  • Hi, we feel sorry for the inconvenience caused.

    Would you please send us some screenshots to show the issue?

    1. Please send us a screenshot showing when you received the notification.
    2. Please send us a history cleanup map which showed the time when the robot started cleanup.
    RR_SupportStaff Member05/09/2021      08:06

    Besides, please check if you have synced time zone of the robot with the local time zone. See attached picture.

  • I’ve already checked to be sure the time zone is properly synced. I have two daily cleaning scheduled jobs. One is at 12:30 PM and the other at 2:00 PM. I only get a push alert notification when the 2:00 PM cleaning is finished, never for the 12:30 PM cleaning. Do not disturb isn’t enabled…

    RR_SupportStaff Member05/21/2021      09:18

    Hi, thanks for your reply.

    May I know if the notification for 12:30 PM always fail, but the notification for 2:00PM always can work?

    If that's the case, you can check the Do not disturb in the Message settings in the Mihome app is enabled or not.

    Ahwman05/21/2021      15:01

    I mentioned in my last reply that do not disturb is disabled…

    RR_SupportStaff Member05/23/2021      07:16

    That seems quite strange.

    It may be a little bit hard to address the issue via the forum in time. We suggest you contact support@roborock.com to get further assistance.


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