Make it smarter

Make it smarter

by easy integration steps/methods into Home Assistant or other smart home plattforms in order to receive triggers to control when and where to clean.


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  • Amen and Amen. Seems like we shouldn't have to hack the system to get Google Assistant to help out.

    Smarthome-Developer01/11/2022      11:06

    I made a similar suggestion yesterday here on the forum. Adding examples why integration in alexa et al is no real smart home integration. Why other companies (including philips hue and tesla) are supporting APIs. That there is an active community ready to build great solutions. That this would lead to more sales (and more publicity leading to even more sales). That the API is already well documented (not from roborock, but anyway). That the only thing missing is an official way to get tokens.

    I told them they are missing an opportunity here, and that it's easy for them to recover.

    Roborock deleted my suggestion. Obviously they don't like smart home integration. They reject it so firmly that they resort to censorship in their own forum.


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