Add a set how often to Auto Empty robot setting to App

Add a set how often to Auto Empty robot setting to App

Please add a Set how often to Auto Empty the robot with the auto empty dock Feature to App. Please add this feature to ALL versions of the S7.

I need my robot to return to it's base and empty it's bit every time AFTER it cleans a room because I have 3 dogs that shed like CRAZY.

My suggestions for the sub settings behind this new setting should be

  • Auto Empty after cleaning entire map.
  • Auto Empty After cleaning each room.
  • Auto Empty after X amount of minutes of Cleaning.
  • (If bin can detect how full it is) Auto Empty every time bin is X% Full (eg 50% Full).
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  • I was honestly surprised that this feature wasn't implemented when I bought my Q Revo. The suggestions in this post would help tremendously for those of us with larger areas, especially those of us with pets.


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