S5 Max multi floor mapping

S5 Max multi floor mapping

Hi, with the release of S6 maxV and with the update to the S6 to support multi floor mapping when does the Roborock S5 Max gets the promised update to support multi floor mapping?


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  • The multiple floor map function of S5 Max is under testing now. Please do not worry, as soon as the testing proves the feature is reliable for all users, we will release it to all of our S5 Max users.

    Hope you could wait with patience.

    vrgomes05/09/2020      12:16

    Hi, is there a release date? Because since December 2019 this feature was in the works but so far no date given.


    RR_SupportStaff Member05/10/2020      07:34

    For multiple floor map saving suggestion, we are testing on it now. 30% of S5 max users has been selected by server randomly to participate in it.

    Please do not worry if you have not received the update yet, as soon as the testing proves the feature is reliable for all users, we will release it to all of our S5 max users.

    Hope you could wait with patience.

  • Is multifloor mapping samething with multi map saving?

    Because I read about it that S5 Max has capability to store up to 5 maps.

    RR_SupportStaff Member05/11/2020      09:24

    Hi Thunderbolt, Thank you for your feedback. The maximum is 4 floors map. You will have to enable both the multiple floor map saving mode and map saving mode as the picture, And you will need to bring both the robot and charging dock to this floor if you wants to create a new map here, and meet below requirements to save the map:

    1. Robot starts from dock;

    2. Robot goes everywhere on map it detects to clean, not just somewhere. Pls make sure the doors are open for the rooms you want to be displayed on map.

    3. Robot returns to dock(whose position is not moved) by itself and successfully.

    You need bring the robot to another floor only if you've saved the map. Thank you.​

    Jasper05/12/2020      00:39

    Every time I want it to clean upstairs, do I need to bring the charging dock? Or is it just the first time I need to bring the charging dock?

    RR_SupportStaff Member05/12/2020      08:23

    No need, If you've saved the upstairs map, you could bring the robot to upstairs only.

  • So is it available?my house have a weird step I need to build a ramp for it and map saving is screw with me so bad now

    RR_SupportStaff Member05/12/2020      08:26

    Multiple floor map was released to S5 Max Roborock app users. But for Mi Home app users, we are afraid you will need to wait for a few days, we will release the function to Mi Home app users soon too. Thank you.

    Rich05/15/2020      13:02

    Is this enabled for the S5 as well, or only the S5 Max? If it isn’t enabled on the S5, what are the plans to make it available?

  • thank you! Do I need to bring it for the first time upstairs?

    RR_SupportStaff Member05/13/2020      08:20

    Dear Jasper, you do not need to bring the charging dock to anther floor for the first time.


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