s5 MAX - Mopping - No Water coming out

s5 MAX - Mopping - No Water coming out

Bought it 2 weeks ago - Vacuum works great. Tried mopping today - No water coming out.

Blow Air in - Water comes out from other hole

Suck water from water - Water comes out

What else ??

It dont make any sense to wet the mop first and start the mopping. Tried that too - No water coming out.

$439 is not cheap - I see this issues with many other S5 Max..

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  • Hello,

    1. Change another mopping cloth.

    2. Make sure there is no detergent in the water because it might block the air-in hole.

    3. Turn the device over, the two small slots under the robot will be found out if you've removed the water tank. Check if there's anything blocked them slightly with a needle. After that, please install the water tank and mopping module (without the mopping cloth) and run the device for around 20 sec. Please check if there're 2 water trails on the ground. 

  • I bought S5 Max in July. And now just found out there is no water out from water tank. I only can found 2 small hole after remove the mop module not the water tank. Can you please show where is 2 little that u mentioned?

    RR_SupportStaff Member02/12/2021      07:12

    Please remove the water tank first. Then, turn over the robot. You will see two water out holes beneath the main unit. See the attached picture for referene.

  • Hi, in my water tank was mold. I cleaned it with chlorine and after it no water out . I already checked the holes seems OK. What gone wrong?

    RR_SupportStaff Member09/25/2022      13:09

    Hi, thanks for your reaching out.

    It's not suggested to use chemical products like chlorine because they may be too strong for the water tank and may even cause damage.

    May I know if you've tried the following? Is there any water coming out from the robot?

    Please install the water tank and mopping module (without the mopping cloth) and run the device for around 20 sec. Please check if there're 2 water trails on the ground. 


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