Just bought s6 pure , add names to room

Just bought s6 pure , add names to room

How can I add names to different rooms ?

using Roborock app on iphone

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  • Click "edit map"-"edit room", then you will see the room naming feature.

  • I have the same issue too. I can name the rooms, however, the names are not saved too the map. Instead it appears that the names are saved under room management and not in the maps itself

    RR_SupportStaff Member12/25/2020      12:18

    Please send us some pictures for reference.

    QueenLeLee12/25/2020      23:07

    Hello, I am having the same issue. I have the S4 and am using the Roborock app, but the option to add room names is not available.

    See attached.

    RR_SupportStaff Member12/26/2020      12:25

    S4 does not support room naming via Roborock app yet, that is why you cannot find this option.

    While Mi Home app supports, you can switch to Mi home to name the rooms.


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