From what I saw in a response to another customer, the Roborock vacuum will not resume cleaning four a fourth round. For example:
First - is this correct in how the software is supposed to work? I have the Roborock S5 (model S501-01).
Second, what is the workaround for this as our house is big enough where we need a fourth round? Can we up the charging value to 95 or 100 before Roborock starts round 2 and 3? A manual workaround would obviously be to block an area of the house, let it finish everything but the blocked area, let it recharge, then have it do the blocked area - a bit frustrating to have to do that when one would think a software fix would allow the robot to perform unlimited cleaning rounds until it was done.
Finally, it also sounds like there is no way to have the vacuum finish a job by manually starting the cleaning process before 80% charge. For example, say there was a smaller space where the vacuum had like 10% floor area left to vacuum after the first round (battery 20% and Roborock docks). Is there no way to restart the vacuum when the battery was at say 50% just to finish the last 10% instead of having to wait until 80%? This obviously is not our main issue as Roborock will not even finish one full go around of our entire floor, but I am just curious as to the answer to this question.
From what I saw in a response to another customer, the Roborock vacuum will not resume cleaning four a fourth round. For example:
First - is this correct in how the software is supposed to work? I have the Roborock S5 (model S501-01).
Second, what is the workaround for this as our house is big enough where we need a fourth round? Can we up the charging value to 95 or 100 before Roborock starts round 2 and 3? A manual workaround would obviously be to block an area of the house, let it finish everything but the blocked area, let it recharge, then have it do the blocked area - a bit frustrating to have to do that when one would think a software fix would allow the robot to perform unlimited cleaning rounds until it was done.
Finally, it also sounds like there is no way to have the vacuum finish a job by manually starting the cleaning process before 80% charge. For example, say there was a smaller space where the vacuum had like 10% floor area left to vacuum after the first round (battery 20% and Roborock docks). Is there no way to restart the vacuum when the battery was at say 50% just to finish the last 10% instead of having to wait until 80%? This obviously is not our main issue as Roborock will not even finish one full go around of our entire floor, but I am just curious as to the answer to this question.
thank you my issue has been solved!